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Voluble (2019) for solo harp

VolubileAurélie Saraf
00:00 / 10:15

Dedicated to Aurélie Saraf

Duration: about 9'


The two meanings of the word voluble, here intertwined, form the poetic background of this work: "what turns or speaks with vivacity, speed, lightness and ease".


Thus, the form of the work, made up of a large number of figures with very different characters (mainly by the timbre and the playing techniques), turns on itself, folds up, rises or disappears until silent, and constantly evolves with great mobility.


The ingenuity and gentleness, one of the characteristics of this "instrument of the angels", is rendered by a "preparation" of certain strings giving to hear sounds reminiscent of the use of the harp (or related instruments) in other cultures. non-European. These veiled sounds make hear sorts of refrains opening onto the world of childhood.


The force, the other characteristic of the harp, is rendered by percussive sounds and chords, powerful or arpeggiated, which impose themselves, implacable, or stop abruptly like so many broken impulses.


This "polyphony of game modes" mixes the tiniest detail with brute force: from "on edge" sensitivity to an irresistible vital energy.

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