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Vertigo ! for orchestra (1995)

Vertige ! - Orchestre de Caen - Mark Foster
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Premiered on January 13, 2001 at the CNR auditorium in Caen by the Orchester de Caen under the direction of Mark Foster.

Editions Francois Dhalmann. Duration: 15' ca.



At the genesis of the work Another fan poem by Mallarmé of an exquisite freshness that Debussy appreciated as much as he put it to music. Admirable page where we don't know who - Mallarmé or Debussy - is the poet and the musician, both of whom have in common the sensitivity on edge, the ambivalence of feelings, the eroticism barely veiled as well as a lightness and enjoyment of each moment often tinged with a sweet melancholy, if not with the feeling of death.


Ultimately, an orchestral work in one movement where of the poem remains only a " vertige, a thrill of space " , Dionysian, vertiginous, d a constant mobility but often overshadowed by a " je-ne-sais-quoi " which prevents the joy from being total.


This constantly moving and changing form is like an improvisation " quasi una fantasia " and the resulting music is, as usual in my writing, made up of multiple more or less related or contradictory motifs, of equal importance, organically linked in the same form by a network of correspondences almost " rhizomatique ", where each of these motives has meaning only in its relation to the other motives.


This music is  characterized by its absence of a center and its non-reference to a primordial motif from which the whole work is derived. Reading, like listening to a passage, is therefore considerably enriched by listening and knowing the other moments when it reappears in a slightly modified form, thus weaving the network that extends to the entire work.


Listening is about making matches where the variations and combinations of patterns are less important than when and how they appear.


This is perhaps how emotion draws the boundary between the tragic and the comic deep within ourselves.

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