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Sonata for violin and piano (2005)

1er Mt
00:00 / 07:01
2ème Mt
00:00 / 09:08
3ème Mt
00:00 / 04:29

Dedicated to Jacques Saint-Yves

Preview on October 8, 2005 at the Galerie de l'Association Philomuses (Paris 1er)

Created on January 19, 2006 at the Halle Saint-Pierre (Paris 18th) by Jacques Saint-Yves, violin and Carine Zarifian, piano.

Duration: 19'. Editions Francois Dhalmann



This sonata in three movements borrows from the classical form only the contrast in character of each of the movements that constitute it.


1st movement : Vivid – Intense (7')

2nd movement : Slow – Calm (7'30)

3rd movement : Lively – Light (4'30)


The 1st movement develops in intensity, contrast, the search for extreme timbres (quasi saturated/unsaturated…)


The 2nd movement is a sort of variation of certain motifs from the 1st movement. The climate is dark if not dramatic. It's a kind of calm after the storm.


The 3rd movement contrasts with the 2 previous movements and ends the work in a playful and light way. It's a kind of mischievous scherzo, with a fast tempo, supported by an almost constant staccato.


As in all my works, formal coherence is ensured by a constant return of the constituent motifs beyond each of the movements, thus contributing to the homogeneity of the texture and the intelligibility of the musical discourse.


The 1st movement can be played alone in concert (and possibly the 3rd in an educational setting).

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